Monday, November 7, 2011

Forward Motion in Midlife

"We are disappointed because we age. 
We are dissatisfied because our dreams 
slipped out of our hands. 
We are discouraged that in our sin, we failed many, many times. 
We are disappointed that good things come to an end 
and that people move on. 
Midlife exposes how much we struggle with that fact that 
God completes His work of redemption
in us by keeping us in the middle 
of all of the harsh realities of the fall.  
- Paul Trip, Lost in The Middle
The question that begs my answer is how will I move forward, from grace-to-grace, in this transitory season that is shadowed by disappointment and dissatisfaction instead of, or rather than getting stuck in the quicksand of sadness and regret?  The midlife question is about how one moves on with the new normal that often keeps loss and seeming limitations at the forefront. 
God affirms that the one who finds his/her strength in Him, and in whose heart are the highways of heaven will journey through life from strength-to-strength. (Psalm 84:5-7)

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