We have a Penn State grad student living with us. A female student named Elyse. Yay! It's amazing, there's actually someone in my home who not only listens to me but hears what I have to say. Smile. In fact, Elyse dialogues with me. About things I want to talk about. Don't get me wrong, I love my three guys but I'll let you in on a little secret ... one dad plus two sons plus one mom does not equal deep, meaningful conversation. Rarely. Even when Ben and Andy lived at home, time didn't often lend itself to regular, substantial, detailed or emoting kinds of conversation. It was more on-the-fly, to the point, factual and activated kind of conversation. Meaning, just tell me what I need to DO and please don't ask me to join you in any kind of mental or emotional calisthenics. (haha) Most of the time it could barely be labeled "conversation." Let's just say that's why talking to myself over the years escalated to a whole new level. Again, don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no doubt that my three guys love me, and the one I sleep with takes really good care of me. Really good. None of that is in question but the conversations I have with the Jameson men don't exactly fill me up. Ok, point made. Hopefully, point well-taken.
On the other hand, I do love the female chatter that rings in the walls of our home these days. One of my recent and allusive conversations with Elyse, left me feeling spurred on to offer something a little different for my blog followers ... many who may have moved on to more regular-writing bloggers by now. Ugh. I discovered something during my late night babble with Elyse that revealed reason behind my not so regular posts. The posts I wrote took big chunks of time. I don't have big chunks of discretionary time in this season of life. Soon after Elyse and I chatted, she scooted off to bed, always earlier than I scoot and as she did, I had an aha moment. Why not blog with snippets of thought, instead of chunks? Likely my readers can't afford chunks of time to read my posts any more than I can to write them? Yes. That's it. Snippets of thought, wisdom, musings, insight and more. Snippets it will be. Final answer.
So, here's to snippets instead of chunks .... I hope you'll click onto backdrop more regularly again. Let me know how you like it. Or how you don't.