"... the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God, is resting upon you."
The context for this verse is suffering for bearing the name of Christ. It would be absurd for me to claim that I am suffering in any such way. However, that nugget of truth tucked away in I Peter was like an epiphany for me, shedding light on what I have blamed on a "block" in my heart and mind, and in my writing, for the past 30 days or more. It's as if God pressed the pause bottom within me during this wintry month. He quieted my heart. Transformed my mind. Revealed new truth about His love. His Spirit was resting upon me.
I find this heart stuff so hard to put into words when I'm in the process of God revealing Himself. It's such a rarity for me to be "without words." I have a constant string of them running around inside of me at ALL times ... often tumbling out for all to hear, whether they are listening or not but that's whole 'nother story ... so this time has felt odd to me. Almost like when one puts on two different shoes and tries to walk with a normal gait, and can't. Not having thoughts in my mind, begging to become words that insist on being shared is just not the norm for me. The thoughts are there for sure but they have been followed around by more musings and these incredible aha moments about how wide and deep and high the Father's love is and what a profound difference that makes in me. And around me. And for me. So much of the Word seems so fresh and new ... I Corinthians 13 and I John 3, not to mention I John 4:19 are full of new life for me ... and on and on the list could go.
So, here's to the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of God resting upon us .... and to new posts that will appear soon. Smile.